In Central Florida, there is one town is known as the Psychic or/and Spiritualist Capital of the United States. There are several ways in which you may know this town; either you are a local resident, believe in Spiritualism, or heard the Tom Petty song Casa Daga. This quick little visitor’s guide to this off the beaten path town in Florida will detail the best things to do in Cassadaga.
This blog is not an endorsement of any belief system but simply a visitor’s guide to an interesting and unusual town. D, you would have enjoyed it.
Cassadaga is located only one hour from Disney World. Many things about Cassadaga are mysterious including the name of the town, itself. One theory is the name is that it was named by the Native Americans “water under the rocks” and or being named after another spiritualist center in upstate New York.

The first Spiritualist settlers moved to Central Florida in 1875. George Colby is acknowledged as the founder of the Southern Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp Meeting Association. It is a camp since the property is owned by the association and residents agree to live there under the bylaws. Today, the community has 50+ homes and individuals with common beliefs.
The main beliefs include prophecy, acceptance of physical and spiritual events, a continuation of an individual’s existence after death, among other concepts. They do not believe in the devil or witchcraft.
While in Cassadaga, there are various types of spiritualist services. While curious, I did not seek the services. There are three main categories – Medium, Healer and Teacher.
Many individuals have multiple classifications. The Mediums use various means including tarot cards, channeling with Spirits, seances, intuitive, et al. Many of the Spiritualists are Certified. Obtaining Certification generally takes 4 years through training, internships and other requirements.
The cost of a medium varies depending upon the reputation, certification, and type of services being provided. The fee and length are established and payment is generally made at the end of any session. Appointments are suggested.

On Sundays, church services are held. If you are inclined to try it, there are inexpensive services held during the week. On the first Monday of the month, inexpensive readings are available. On Wednesday nights, healing services are held with a small donation.
After arriving in town, the first stop should be the Bookstore at 1112 Stevens Street. There are postings for the services, medium, and events occurring in the town. The bookstore is charming and worthwhile.
Across the street is the Cassadaga Hotel. The legend is that some guests have brought cameras to take photos of supernatural spirits who inhabit this haunted hotel. It is a beautiful hotel as it was restored in the 1920s. The hotel is well maintained and has its own psychics performing readings while dining in their restaurant. The staff is very friendly and helpful. Be sure to stop by.

I strongly suggest that you obtain the free self-guided walk in the bookstore as it provides a thorough guide to the town. Horseshoe Park and Fairy Trail provide show the natural beauty of the area. Followers gather at Reverend Harry Fogel Healing Park to relax. The Myers Prayer Garden is used for meditation.
Halloween brings many visitors to the town so it can be very crowded. Whether you are a believer or a curious traveler, it makes sense to visit this town.
Hi, is the community handicap accessible?